Tara Lyn Emerson

Strong Mind and Body

Stability, Mobility, & Strength Training featuring TRX Straps and the Eldoa Method

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See What is Inside

  • My collection of athletic stretch classes

    What's inside

    My collection of athletic stretch classes

    A holistic fitness journey with new wave spinal therapy ft. ELDOA. Developed by French osteopath, Dr. Guy Voyer, ELDOA exercises and myofascial stretching techniques focus on joint health, relieving discomfort and enhancing overall physical function.

    ELDOA’s key concept of decoaptation, which refers to the separation of two adjacent bones in a joint, aims to improve circulation and nutrient flow to the surrounding tissues. ELDOA exercises have the power to eliminate musculoskeletal pain, enhance performance, improve bone density and overall health.

    As one of fewer than 200 certified ELDOA trainers in the U.S., my exclusive ELDOA training modules, for all levels and body types, intend to provide a transformative experience designed to increase mobility, promote healing and enhance joint health. This program underlines my commitment to help you on your journey to become the best version of you.

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  • Suspension Training Workouts

    What's inside

    Suspension Training Workouts

    Stretch it and strengthen it! My suspension training workouts with the TRX will harness the power of suspension to provide a challenging core workout that enhances control and form for overall body strength and stability. I’ve designed a challenging yet adaptable suspension training program that will target every muscle in your body.

    Weekly training modules focus on improving strength and athleticism while keeping the workouts fresh and interesting. Whether you choose to exercise at home with your own TRX, or at the gym, together we’ll embark on a journey that not only transforms your physique but also cultivates a resilient mindset and redefines your fitness boundaries. With each module your technique will improve, unlocking new levels of strength and functional fitness.

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  • Coaching & Community

    What's inside

    Coaching & Community

    Join me and other community members to share motivation, inspiration, and success stories!

    • Ask me & others questions directly
    • Post about achieved benchmarks
    • Make connections with others about your workouts, health tips, and your goals
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  • Suspension Training Workouts background
  • ELDOA Stretching background
  • Exclusive programs

    Suspension Training Workouts

    • New programming added weekly for the TRX enthusiast

    • Focus on athleticism

    • Keep your workouts fresh and interesting

  • Exclusive programs

    ELDOA Stretching

    • Classes for every person, every age, every ability.

    • Designed to increase mobility, promote healing and enhance joint health

    • Tara is one of 200 certified ELDOA trainers in the U.S.

Real Results

  • “If I had to choose one class, one workout, one instructor for the rest of my life it would be ELDOA and Tara Emerson. Tara has a fun yet informative teaching style. She helps us understand “why” we move in a certain way and how to improve our movements. Her ELDOA class combines, strength, agility, flexibility and mobility. Every class is different and fun. She is an amazing teacher in that she makes the complex easy to understand and the daunting doable.”

    • Becky C.

    Read my story
  • “TRX with Tara is as challenging as you want it to be. I have gotten so much stronger with her instruction and I'm hooked!

    I also do her ELDOA stretch classes, and I always feel so much taller after.”

    • Dori D.

    Read my story
  • “I have been taking Tara's stretch class, and it has been a transformative experience. Tara's guidance not only made me feel taller and more open, but surprisingly, it also alleviated discomfort from my bulging disk. Her expertise in stretching techniques and focus on form make this class a must-try for anyone seeking both flexibility and relief from back issues. Highly recommended!”

    • Roya H

    Read my story
  • “It doesn’t do justice comparing Eldoa to stretching. You are lengthening and strengthening the muscles.

    As someone who has injured themselves during previous workouts, my body had never felt stronger since beginning my Eldoa practice this past year.

    Tara does a great job explaining how and why each movement and posture is important.”

    • Sam M.

    Read my story
  • “I started taking TRX classes with Tara without much prior experience with the suspension bands. After only one class she became my favorite coach! Her classes aren’t just about getting in shape and burning calories. You learn about your body, what you’re capable of and she pushes you to achieve what you never thought you could do. I’ve always struggled with my balance during my workouts. With Tara’s coaching, I was able to do handstand, which I never even dreamt of doing. In her classes I also learnt what muscles to work on more in order to have a better posture. After each class, I felt stronger, healthier and happier. Aside from her wonderful coaching skills, Tara is one of the most motivating and uplifting people I know. If you want to become a stronger, healthier and happier version of yourself, I highly recommend taking TRX classes with Tara.”

    • Naz N.

    Read my story
I’m your coach Tara Lyn Emerson, and I am so glad you are here!

I’m your coach Tara Lyn Emerson, and I am so glad you are here!

As the daughter of a professional tennis coach, some would think fitness would be in my DNA. However, I am NOT a genetically gifted athlete. I was diagnosed with a degenerative neuromuscular disease as a young child, which means that I’ve always had to work a bit harder to stay strong. Charcot Marie Tooth disease causes progressive weakness and atrophy to my lower legs, feet and hands and there is no medical cure.

Keeping my body and mind strong has always been an important aspect of my life since I was diagnosed. I love the TRX suspension trainer because exercising with this tool has made me strong and stable without breaking me. Additionally, doing stretching with Dr. Voyer’s ELDOA spinal therapy method delivers mobility and freedom of articulation in my joints. You won’t believe this but ELDOA stretching has even helped me grow 1.25 inches taller (restoring my high school height)!

Now, I am the strongest I have ever been in my life. Instead of getting worse, I am getting better and defying the odds. To be the best athlete I can be, TRX and ELDOA are my key ingredients for stability and mobility.

Get excited because I am going to share them both with you here!

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    Know you're training the right way with my easy-to-follow videos and simple instructions.

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  • Workout programs

    My workout programs are made for all fitness levels to help you achieve your goals. I post new workouts regularly so you can stay motivated and accountable.

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